What’s New in 2.2.2

v2.2.2 is a bug fix release of v2.2.1

There is a bug in the Reactor-netty plugin (v2.0.0 ~ v2.2.1) which inserts incorrect endPoint value. It only occurs in certain circumstances relating the high overload in Pinpoint-Collector To prevent this, it is recommended to upgrade to version v2.2.2 or higher when using the Reactor-netty plugin.

Upgrade consideration

HBase compatibility table:

Pinpoint Version HBase 0.98.x HBase 1.0.x HBase 1.2.x HBase 2.0.x
1.5.x not tested yes not tested no
1.6.x not tested not tested yes no
1.7.x not tested not tested yes no
1.8.x not tested not tested yes no
2.0.x not tested not tested yes optional

Agent compatibility to Collector table:

Agent Version Collector 1.5.x Collector 1.6.x Collector 1.7.x Collector 1.8.x Collector 2.0.x
1.5.x yes yes yes yes yes
1.6.x not tested yes yes yes yes
1.7.x no no yes yes yes
1.8.x no no no yes yes
2.0.x no no no no yes

Additionally, the required Java version to run each Pinpoint component is given below:

Pinpoint Version Agent Collector Web
1.5.x 6-8 7-8 7-8
1.6.x 6-8 7-8 7-8
1.7.x 6-8 8 8
1.8.0 6-10 8 8
1.8.1+ 6-11 8 8
2.0.x 6-11 8 8

Supported Modules

  • JDK 6+
  • Supported versions of the * indicated library may differ from the actual version.
Title Instrumented Library Min Max Comment  
Tomcat   6.x 9.x    
Jetty   8.x 9.x    
JBoss   6.x 7.x    
Resin   4.x 4.x    
Websphere   6.x 8.x    
Vertx   3.3 3.5    
Weblogic   10.x 12.x    
Undertow Servlet          
Java Async Thread          
OpenWhisk whisk.core        
SpringMVC Framework spring-webmvc 3.0.7 5.3.3  
Spring Web spring-web 4.1.2 4.3.30  
Spring RabbitMQ spring-rabbit 1.3.3 2.2.14  
Spring IBatis spring-ibatis 2.0.7 2.0.8  
Spring MyBatis mybatis-spring 1.1.0 1.3.3  
*Spring Boot spring-boot-autoconfigure        
*Spring Webflux spring-webflux        
MyBatis mybatis 3.0.3 3.3.1  
Hystrix hystrix-core 1.4.0 1.5.18  
Httpclient3 commons-httpclient 3.0 3.1  
Httpclient4 httpclient 4.0 4.5.4  
Thrift libthrift 0.9.1 0.13.0  
Google HTTP Client google-http-client 1.19.0 1.38.1  
AsyncHttpClient async-http-client 1.7.24 1.8.17  
OkHttp okhttp 2.0.0 3.3.1  
Apache HttpAsyncClient httpasyncclient 4.0 4.1.3  
*Akka HTTP akka-http_2.12 10.1.0 10.1.x    
*Kafka kafka-clients      
GRPC grpc-stub 1.8.0 1.35.0  
*Reactor reactor-core 3.3.0 3.3.1    
*Reactor Netty reactor-netty 0.8.0 0.9.2    
Log4j log4j 1.2.16 1.2.17  
Logback logback-classic 1.0.13 1.2.3  
Log4j2 log4j-core 2.0 2.12.1  
*Arcus arcus-java-client 1.7.0 1.11.4    
*MsSQL (jTDS) jtds 1.2.8      
*MsSQL mssql-jdbc        
HikariCP HikariCP-java6 2.3.0 2.3.13  
Jackson-mapper-asl jackson-mapper-asl 1.0.1 1.8.11  
Jackson Databind jackson-databind 2.0.6 2.12.1  
MariaDB Connector/J mariadb-java-client 1.3.0 2.7.1  
MongoDB Java Driver mongodb-driver 3.0.0 3.12.7  
Elasticsearch bboss-elasticsearch-rest-jdbc 5.6.9 5.8.2  
Elasticsearch elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client 6.0.0 7.10.2  
Datastax Java Driver cassandra-driver-core 2.0.10 3.10.2  
Druid druid 1.0.0 1.2.4  
*Cubrid cubrid-jdbc-driver 8.4.1 10.0.0    
*Commons DBCP commons-dbcp 1.0 1.4    
*Commons DBCP2 commons-dbcp2 2.0 2.5.0    
*HBase hbase-client    
*MySQL mysql-connector-java 5.0 8.x    
*Oracle JDBC Driver ojdbc        
*PostgreSQL JDBC Driver postgresql        
*Redis jedis 2.4.2      
*Redis lettuce-core 5.0.0 5.1.2    
*Redis redisson 3.10.0 3.10.4    
Apache CXF cxf-rt-rs-client 3.0.0 3.4.2  
Netty netty-all 4.1.0 4.1.58  
ActiveMQ activemq-all 5.1.0 5.16.0  
RxJAVA rxjava 1.0.0 1.3.8  
RabbitMQ amqp-client 2.7.0 5.10.0  
Paho MQTT org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 1.0.2 1.2.5  
Paho MQTT org.eclipse.paho.mqttv5.client 1.2.5 1.2.5  
Gson gson 1.1 2.8.3  
Json json-lib 1.0 2.2.2  
FastJson fastjson 1.2.10 1.2.75  
Dubbo dubbo 2.5.1 2.6.9  
kafka-clients kafka-clients 2.6.1  
postgresql postgresql 9.4.1208 42.2.18